January 31st, 2022
Written by: Emma Brice
Our peak days can make getting to the mountain an adventure in itself. A winter storm at the start of the season supplied us with plenty of fresh powder to go around. We welcomed visitors eager to get their share of deep days and first turns. Then, a sudden shift to Spring-like conditions continued to draw guests to the slopes in hopes of getting their goggle-tans on and catching a clear view of Mt. Rainier above the clouds. With the hope of another winter storm on the way, we have a few pro tips to help you get here quickly when the slopes are freshly covered and ready to be carved.
Our free Crystal Mountain Express shuttle runs direct-to-base from Enumclaw Friday through Sunday in addition to peak holidays. As you step off the shuttle onto the slopes, you can say goodbye to walking through the icy parking lots with arm loads full of gear. These luxury vehicles are equipped with ample room for gear storage, TVs for your entertainment, bathrooms, and comfy seats so you can sit back, relax, and sleep your way to the slopes! With just an hour drive to the base, you can save your gas money, avoid the traffic, and help preserve the environment with this free and easy option. No reservations necessary, just hop on and enjoy the ride!
If you are planning to come up and shred on a weekend and are not able to take the shuttle, plan ahead and reserve a parking spot. Reservations are only required on peak holidays and weekends before 1pm.
Rising before the sun on early ski mornings, packing up the gear and herding the family into the car only to be turned away at the parking lot is no one’s preferred situation. With a parking reservation, you have the comfort of knowing that you have a guaranteed parking space, despite driving hours to get to the mountain. Whether you’re an early riser or an afternoon rider, a parking reservation maximizes the time you can spend on the snow and reduces time spent in the car on the Crystal Boulevard. You can find more information about our reservations here.
It’s never too late to get a good day of skiing in. For those folks that are eager to ski the weekend but are unable to get a parking reservation and can’t take the shuttle, join us at the mountain after 1pm for an afternoon or evening of stoke on the slopes! We offer night skiing on Fridays and Saturdays until 8pm, and Sundays until 6pm. After 12pm, parking lots usually start to clear out, and the crowds start to disperse. So, come take some laps under the lights and watch the sun set behind Green Valley for an evening in the alpenglow.
More information about our shuttle service and parking reservations can be found here.